Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~William James

Monday, March 28, 2011

Done for the Week: Running to Catch Up

The time I spent on the politics of my state's governing disaster continued its decrescendo this past week.  Unfortunately--or fortunately, depending, I suppose, on how I look at it--I continue to be haunted by the backlog of previously postponed work.  I'm beginning to believe I would be better off abandoning the notion of catching up.

Here's the short, but dense list of what I got done last week.

Done for the Week:  Mar. 21-Mar.27
  1. Continued off-season race training, trying to get serious about race in 5 weeks; ran twice
  2. Finished Love Over Scotland, by Alexander McCall Smith
  3. Gave significant volunteer support to transitioning nonprofit; major, over-the-top (25 hours) I.T. contribution 
  4. Worked my two part-time jobs
  5. Published 5 blog posts
  6. Meditated 7 times
  7. Got my son to the gym with me once
  8. Watched our 2 teams play 2 basketball games, with my son and my husband 
  9. Attended anti-Walker rally with my husband
  10. Addressed religious leaders breakfast meeting on proposed state budget impacts
  11. Helped my son complete approval for classroom accommodations for summer enrollment in technical college
  12. Attended 2 yoga classes
  13. Saw my therapist
  14. Met with website client
  15. Got to bed "early" twice 
  16. Helped my son get his car problems checked out
In my opinion, the most important thing I did last week was to resolve some long-standing office computer problems (in red above).  I am hopeful that my substantial investment of time will pay off in fewer emergency troubleshooting calls, and give me some distance from the floundering organization I have given so much volunteer time to. 

Last week's focus goal was "making sure that I complete the required three training sessions for Week 5 of the Couch Potato to 5K program."  I fell short of meeting this goal, due to spending the last three days on computer and network overhaul, which used up the available time for my scheduled third training session.   

This week's focus goal will be to complete the remaining training session of Week 5, and the three training sessions of Week 6.  My intention had been to get the last Week 5 session in today, but I left it until too late, and ran out of energy.  But, as I read today in a Happiness Project interview that Gretchen Rubin did with Katy Wolk-Stanley, The Non-Consumer Advocate blogger, "Every day is a fresh start."  So tomorrow, I hit the track again.

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