Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~William James

Monday, April 4, 2011

Done for the Week: Giving Up on Perfect

Last week was busier than the previous one.  The community organization for which I work part-time; do way too much volunteer office and IT work; and function as a leader in and outside of my congregation continued to ramp up for tomorrow's crucial election.  I am doing better, however, at pacing myself--necessitated by intermittently swelling family demands, and a level of moral fatigue that is beginning to seem chronic.

Here's the list of what I accomplished last week.

Done for the Week:  Mar. 28-April 3
  1. Continued off-season race training, returning to C25K; completed 2/3 of Week 6
  2. Finished South of Broad, by Pat Conroy
  3. Continued significant volunteer support to transitioning nonprofit
  4. Attended meeting of lead organizer search committee
  5. Attended rescheduled Issues Night
  6. Participated in teach-in on state's proposed biennial budget
  7. Worked my two part-time jobs
  8. Published 5 blog posts
  9. Meditated 7 times
  10. Got both sons and husband to the gym with me once each
  11. Attended 2 yoga classes
  12. Saw my therapist
  13. Helped my son with emergency shower faucet replacement
  14. Cleaned off my dresser
  15. Cleaned off desk in my bedroom
  16. Cleaned off workspace couch
  17. Had lunch with new triathlon training partner
  18. Had a 24-hour sleepover with my 3-year-old grandson, including museum visit
  19. Had dinner with my sister-in-law and her family
  20. Called my mother
  21. Shared an evening out with my husband
  22. Got my last learning driver to driver's ed 5 times 
Over half of the items on my list are in red, because together they represent what I feel is the most important thing I did last week--which was to give myself, my family, and my home some much-needed attention. 

Last week's focus goal was "to complete the remaining training session of Week 5, and the three training sessions of Week 6 of the Couch Potato to 5K program."   

Weather, a hectic schedule, and fatigue combined to derail my plan.  Intentions to run on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday all bit the dust, and it was Thursday before my feet met the track.  I had revised my training schedule to omit the last Week 5 session, and had started with Week 6, session 1. Saturday was to have been my second training session, but it was "rained out" by a sudden plumbing disaster, requiring immediate attention.  I completed the second session yesterday evening.

I still intend to participate in a 5K race on the first of May--ready or not.  But it is probably unrealistic to expect any perfect training weeks between now and then.  My focus goal for this week is to complete Week 6, and two of the three sessions of Week 7.  This amounts to running three times this week.  One of those runs will be with my new training partner, a friend who plans to participate in the Danskin triathlon with me this summer.

Anne Lamott writes that

Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. 
Today, I'm working to believe that this season's training will come together, if I just keep at it.

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