On the order of onomatopoeia --you know, those words that sound like the noise being referred to, like "bang" and "wack" and "sizzle"--here is a way to procrastinate with the word procrastination. (And by the way, clicking on onomatopoeia will take you to a nifty site where you can waste lots of time on onomatopoeia games. Just in case you're on a roll.)
Clearly, any amount of time spent on seeing how many words you can make from the letters in "procrastination" is a waste, and by definition a way of putting off doing something more worthwhile. I could have been paying my monthly bills this evening, since we actually got paid on time this month. Instead, I produced the following, using abnormally lax--some would say virtually nonexistent--standards:
action ant
cant cantor carp cars cart cast coin corn corps crap crisp crop
nation nit notion
pain paint part partition past pats pins pint piston pits point poison poor port portion post potion pots print prior proctor
rain rant raps rasp ratio ration riot rips roast roost
saint saps satin scant scion scoot scorpion scorn scrap scrip sin soot sort Spain spar spat spin spit spittoon sport spot sprint stain star start stint stir stop strap strip strop stoop strain
tact tans taps tarp tars tart tins tint tips toast tons torpor tort traction train
Wow! What an accomplishment.
I invite others to weigh in on words I missed, thus encouraging the spread of the scourge of the p-word.
I forgot snort, and trip, and trap. . .