Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~William James

Monday, November 21, 2011

Done for the Week: Resisting Hibernation

It's back!  That time of year when I struggle to get out of pajamas, and out of the house.

It's dark well before dinner, and chilly temperatures have us encased in increasingly heavy clothing when we must venture out. 

Add to that the accumulated fatigue of the last year's onslaught of crises, from the personal to the political, and my inner child is threatening a strike.

I am still managing to put one foot in front of the other, if slowly, and to be semi-productive.  Here's what got done last week:

Done for the Week:  Nov. 14-20, 2011
  1. Ran once, biked twice
  2. Read All Passion Spent, by Vita Sackville-West
  3. Continued to work my two part-time jobs
  4. Published 2 blog posts
  5. Continued significant work on current clients' projects
  6. Welcomed my new tiny granddaughter home, after 5 weeks in the hospital!
  7. Participated in Occupy Milwaukee event marking national day of economic emergency
  8. Participated in Recall Walker Kick-off Rally
  9. Began collecting signatures on recall petition
  10. Volunteered to staff Recall office
  11. Attended my organization's annual public meeting
  12. Watched two episodes of Boss with my husband
  13. Did laundry
  14. Cleaned out entryway closet
  15. Cleaned refrigerator
  16. Continued reading Elizabeth George's A Traitor to Memory aloud with my husband
  17. Went to Happy Hour with my husband
  18. Planned trip to spend Christmas with my mother
  19. Booked plane reservations
  20. Held family meeting to plan Thanksgiving dinner
  21. Cooked Mexican Chicken Lime Soup

Two really important things happened this past week, only one of which I can list as a personal accomplishment.  The first is that my new granddaughter finally came home, after five weeks in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit.  She and her family are doing well, for which I am thrilled.  My son-in-law is on paternity leave through this coming week, so my own support duties are minimal for the time being.  When my daughter goes back to work, after the first of the year, I get to start remembering how to care for an infant and a preschooler simultaneously.  (I'm taking my vitamins.)

Last week's other important thing was that I began to collect signatures on the petitions to recall our governor and lieutenant governor.  After ten destructive months in office, many of us are committed to putting an end to their consistently undemocratic campaign to radically undermine what's left of the safety net for our most vulnerable citizens.  I expect to work hard while our 60-day countdown clock ticks.  Wisconsin--Forward!

Meanwhile, I will continue to be engaged in trying to live my own life.  And I will need energy and stamina.  Apropos of this concern, last week's focus goal was "to work out at least three days."   I did manage to bike twice and run once, but one workout session combined biking and running--so actually I only worked out two days.  Our recent time change means that most available workout time is after dark, when my strong hibernation impulse kicks in big time.  All I really want to do after dinner is read, relax with my family, and go to bed early.  I don't even have basketball to keep me awake this season.  But I intend to continue the effort to get to the gym--my focus goal for the coming week.

It helps that I am surrounded by challenged fellow-exercisers, including my husband, my triathlon training partner, and both of my sons.  I need to take advantage of the guilt I feel when I let them down, as they often don't exercise if I don't.  I plan to accept more of their invitations.  I will also try to walk my dog on days when I don't work out, and to exercise earlier in the day when possible.  

It will be easier to work in working out if I can be in a bit more control of my time (more feasible since my granddaughter is home), and complete regular tasks, like blogging, before noon.  

Whew!  I just made it.

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