Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. ~William James

Monday, July 11, 2011

Done for the Week: Inching Forward

Eek!  Look over there, to the right.  See what it says?  No, not all that subscribe, search, quote, About Me blah blah.  Just under all that.  Yeah, that's it.  "2011 is 52% complete!"  Which means . . . . Well, we all know what it means.  
We're into the second half of this year.  Are we any closer to where we're going--besides the eventual "unto dust" return?
I don't know about you, but here's what I got done last week.  In the Grand Scheme of things, which I try to avoid thinking about most days, it doesn't seem like so much. 

Done for the Week:  July 4 - 10, 2011
  1. Completed Week 9 of 15-week triathlon training program; ran twice; swam twice; biked twice
  2. Swam twice, ran twice, biked once with my training partner 
  3. Visited the bike shop for training and race purchases
  4. Continued nutrition education; tweaked my hydration approach
  5. Finished Three Stages of Amazement, by Carol Edgarian; 
  6. Continued to work my two part-time jobs 
  7. Published 3 blog posts 
  8. Began family Harry Potter Film Festival with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  9. Took dog and family to the dog park
  10. Met again with major new website client; launched his blog; made progress on site redesign
  11. Visited Apple Genius Bar to discuss computer problems, strategize solution
  12. Went out driving with learning teenager several times 
  13. Participated in driving my not-quite-licensed-to-drive son to his job
  14. Worked on cracking the code for road test appointment; minor success so far
  15. Volunteered with recall campaign 
  16. Made major progress on backyard reclamation
  17. Completed sandbox
  18. Took mower in for repair
  19. Bought new plants for yard
  20. Repaired several months old dishwasher, with my son (Apparently, it's not a garbage disposal.  I'm beginning to wonder if it's a dishwasher!)
  21. Put away the last of our Christmas decorations (blush!)
  22. Supported my dyslexic 20-year-old son in navigating his first 8-hr.-long solo road trip
  23. Continued progress in cleaning/straightening/decluttering work room, bedroom & kitchen 

Last week's most important accomplishment, I believe, was moving forward on my new client's website.  I can only give a half day a week to working on this account, given my other commitments.  But my client's work is very important, in my opinion, and I am excited to be contributing to it.  He just accepted an invitation to speak at a UN-sponsored international venue in a few weeks.  I will be stealing what time I can find between now and then to finalize the first stage of the new design.

Last week's focus goal was a third-week continuation of my intention to declutter our house, involving my housemates in the excavation, and starting with the kitchen, my work room, and our bedroom.  Somewhat disappointingly, I am not there yet.  I plan to keep working at it, in my "spare" moments.  As to my housemates, they keep leaving town.  My husband was gone for work from early Monday morning (yes, the 4th of July) through late Thursday last week.  My most available son will be 8 hours away for most of this week.  The other son spends what time he is not at work with the friends who will be leaving for college in a few weeks; he is deeply engaged in his own Last Hurrah project.  And the dog doesn't have opposable thumbs.  

At least I finally left the worst of my summer virus behind, and am now at about 90%--still coughing, but having more energy.  For this week, then, I will continue the focus on our cluttered environs, and I will make an effort to get back to yoga and meditation.  I don't especially like splitting my "focus," such as it is, in this way.  But I am reluctant to abandon the house-straightening goal only about a third of the way through.  And yoga and meditation keep me sane.  More or less.  It is time to attend to reviving my practice.

This morning, though, I have to add gutter-cleaning to my list.  A brief torrent, followed by an ominous basement trickle, brought that little item to my attention.  "Life is what happens. . ." and all.

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